Sunday, September 16, 2012

It is hard to believe that it has been since April that I last wrote, but I guess with summer, work, kids and travel I shouldn't be so surprised.  Inspiration returned when I saw this project board that one of my daughters created for a geometry class assignment.  The students were asked to show how geometry is part of our every day world.  Interior design is the connection my daughter made with the above board as her proof.  In past years I have spoken to students for career days, emphasizing how math plays such a large role in what I do every day.  Obviously it includes addition, subtraction and multiplication, but geometry is really a core part of interior design as it is used not just in the space planning but in the visual appeal of a room.  The balance of angles and curves is what gives a room a sense of structure and movement.  Geometry is absolutely an essential part of the overall success of a room design.  My daughter's project is a clear example of how many aspects of design go into the large picture of a room and most cerainly the design of the individual pieces themselves.  It was exciting for me to think my career inspired her to complete this school assignment but the bigger truth is that once again my kids have inspired me. 

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